Our Mission Churches

The Bible Fellowship Church is an expanding fellowship of churches, united to make disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Take a look at our current mission churches and find out how you can get involved. 

Elkton, MD
Lancaster City, PA
Elverson, PA
West Shore of Harrisburg, PA
Chestertown, MD
Milford, DE
Naples, FL
Selbyville, DE
Horsham, PA
Mexico Mission Churches
Want to connect with the BFC?
Want to start a new plant?


Church planters need wisdom and guidance from experienced church planters. That is why BFC Church Extension provides a variety of manuals and handouts to help with different stages of church planting. These downloadable guides are available free of charge. Click to access our resources.

Bible Fellowship Church Plants

Get Involved

You can participate in church planting through your prayers, financial giving, or by visiting a church plant near you. Church Extension is also looking for individuals, couples, and families to become committed participants known as Aquila and Priscilla Teams.

Time and Talent


  • Pray for churches and planters
  • Volunteer for the BFC
Give Time


  • Support church plants
  • Give to mission churches
Give Treasure



Review of Passion 4 Planting Bootcamp

“I wish I had this when I was planting was my recurring thought during my boot camp experience,” said Tim Zuck, Mentoring Assistant and former church planter.  On November 7-9, Pastor Tim Zuck (from Forks Community Church Read more…

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Church Extension Ministries

1011 Brookside Road, Suite 145

PO Box 3534

Allentown PA 18106

Give us a ring


Monday-Thursday 8:00-3:00


Contact Us