The church planter is not the only one carrying on the mission of the church plant. Many volunteers come alongside the church plants so that the church plant can grow to the point where it can graduate and become a particular church.
Here is how you can help!

Each church planter communicates with his prayer supporters through periodic prayer letters. Our volunteers stuff envelopes and stick labels on these letters so that the church planter can keep in contact with their prayer supporters. We meet in Coopersburg, PA, and Whitehall, PA, once a month. To get involved, email

Aquila and Priscilla Team
Individuals, couples, and families can commit to attending a church plant for a designated amount of time to use their gifts and abilities to further the work of the church plant and to assist the church planter. You do not need to be a teacher or a preacher for this vital work. Simply attending the church plant and welcoming visitors is a huge help to the life of the church plant. You can find out more with the Aquila and Priscilla handbook or by hearing the testimonies of some experienced Aquila and Priscilla families.

The most important thing you can do for the church plants is to pray! God is the one who builds each church plant and gives wisdom to the planters and the others who are involved. You can know what to pray by receiving the weekly Antiochan Report emails and the weekly Prayer Ticker with the most up-to-date prayer requests for the planters. You can sign up for the emails here.