If you are involved in church ministry including church planting ministry, you know the feeling of discouragement when yet another Sunday morning verbal announcement for volunteers yields no results. Pastor Wayne Rissmiller from Calvary BFC in Sinking Spring, PA shared a more effective way to recruit volunteers at a recent Training Day for church planters of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Here is the Volunteer Recruitment Checklist that he shared. Click here for a printable copy.:

Volunteer Recruitment Checklist: Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Recruitment

Step 1: Assess Ministry Needs

  • Conduct a needs assessment for each ministry area.
  • Identify specific roles that need volunteers.
  • Prioritize roles based on mission – urgency and importance.

Step 2: Create Clear Role Descriptions

  • Outline specific qualifications, duties, and responsibilities for each role.
  • Define the time commitment required.
  • Clarify any necessary skills or qualifications.
  • Include the impact and significance of the role – give the Why and the Win.

Step 3: Develop a Recruitment Strategy

  • Identify potential volunteers and plan personal invitations.
  • Develop the vision talking points for serving in general and for the specific ministry and ministry role.
  • Prepare announcements for church services, bulletins, and newsletters.
  • Design engaging promotional materials for social media and websites.
  • Train existing volunteers to invite others to volunteer.
  • Schedule sermon on serving, spiritual gifts class, ministry fairs, or informational events.

Step 4: Simplify the Sign-Up Process

  • Create easy-to-use online forms for sign-ups.
  • Provide physical sign-up sheets at church services and events.
  • Utilize mobile apps to streamline the registration process.

Step 5: Communicate Clearly and Consistently

  • Follow up promptly with interested volunteers.
  • Send confirmation emails or messages with detailed information about the next steps.
  • Maintain regular communication to keep volunteers informed and engaged.

Step 6: Provide Orientation and Training

  • Develop comprehensive training sessions covering church policies and role-specific training.
  • Offer mentorship opportunities for new volunteers.
  • Ensure volunteers understand their responsibilities and feel confident in their roles.

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Step 7: Offer Ongoing Support and Development

  • Provide continuous learning opportunities and resources.
  • Encourage feedback and address any concerns promptly.
  • Recognize and celebrate milestones and achievements.

Step 8: Recognize and Appreciate Volunteers

  • Publicly acknowledge volunteer contributions during church services or events.
  • Send personal thank-you notes
  • Host appreciation events.
  • Give gifts, like T-shirts, Gift Cards, or coffee mugs, to show gratitude.

Step 9: Foster Community and Relationships

  • Encourage small group gatherings and social events for volunteers.
  • Create opportunities for volunteers to connect and build relationships.
  • Promote a sense of belonging and community within the volunteer team.

Step 10: Evaluate and Adjust Recruitment Strategies

  • Monitor volunteer participation and satisfaction through surveys and feedback forms.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of recruitment methods and make necessary adjustments.
  • Continuously refine strategies to meet changing needs and improve the volunteer experience.

Tips for Effective Recruitment:

  • Be clear and specific about the needs and expectations for each role.
  • Use multiple channels to reach potential volunteers (in-person, online, social media).
  • Personalize invitations and follow-ups to make volunteers feel valued and important.
  • Provide training and support to ensure volunteers are well-prepared and confident.
  • Recognize and appreciate volunteer contributions regularly to maintain motivation and commitment.

By following this checklist, you can create a successful and sustainable volunteer recruitment program, ensuring that all ministries have the support they need to thrive. Volunteer recruitment is more than filling a hole in a ministry team. It’s an opportunity for discipleship as you see your volunteers be trained and grow and develop strengths and skills in the Lord.

Wayne Rissmiller is the lead pastor of Calvary BFC in Sinking Spring, PA. His church has developed a thoughtful volunteer recruitment strategy that is scalable for all sizes of churches. Wayne is also the chairman of the Ministerial Credentials Committee which approves pastors for ordination in the Bible Fellowship Church. You can contact him at Wayne@cbfc.net.


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