Our church planters listen to Lord for how to best reach their community with the gospel, the truth that Jesus Christ loves them and offers salvation from sin. Here is how one of our church plants, Cape Community Church in Cape May Courthouse, New Jersey, is reaching their community for Christ. Church Planter Brad Boyer tells about their Prayer Outreach Team:

Prayer Outreach Team
Our Prayer Outreach Team began with three people praying outside the courthouse asking passersby how we could pray for them.
When the pandemic hit, of course, it went on hold, but the Prayer Outreach Team resumed in August with a new focus. We still ask passersby the same question, but we also pray for and pray with the police, fire department, and EMT’s. These first responders and essential workers need our prayers more than ever.
Prayer for Local Businesses
We began to pray outside local businesses hard hit by the lockdown. We also give out tracts and cross necklaces which are well received. One business was a new bagel shop and we prayed for them during our prayer walks, leaving doorhangers, for weeks before they opened. A few weeks after opening, the owner came out to thank us and he ended up praying with us.
After a few more weeks of praying with the owner, at his invitation, we began praying in a circle in the shop.
A Bagel Shop Prayer Circle
This past Tuesday, he bounded out of the kitchen and announced to all, “Everyone over here! It’s time to pray!”
The response was not of this world.
Every single person –employees and customers– gathered in a huge circle and prayed for the nation and the businesses in the area.
One of our Prayer Outreach Team members then read John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life.” Then everyone returned to what they were doing.
In my quarter century of church leadership, I have never seen anything like it.
People are more receptive to the idea of prayer for health, safety, the nation, and their well-being. The door is opening! Incidentally, the bagel shop is doing quite well. Praise the Lord!

Prayer in Church Planting
At Church Extension Ministries, we recognize that prayer is vital in church planting. We are grateful for those who pray for our church planters and for those in our church plants who are praying for their community. The Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of those around us. Continue to pray for the unbelievers you meet in your community.
Find out more about Cape Community Church in Cape May Courthouse, NJ. You can follow Cape Community Church on Facebook or Instagram. Visit their website and plan an in-person visit to their worship service.
Cape Community Church is currently looking for an Aquila and Priscilla Team to attend the church plant and use their gifts to help the church plant. Find out more about being an Aquila Priscilla Team here or by emailing office@churchplantingbfc.org.