My name is Andrew, my wife is Jacqueline, and with our little girl Eliana on her way in July we are the Lintners. I was born in Cambodia, adopted into a Christian American family, and then brought over to the United States by the age of three. I spent my early childhood in the state of Connecticut until I was eight years old when my family moved to upstate NY where my father attended and then worked at Word of Life Bible Institute and Ministries for 11 years.
My Salvation Testimony

While growing up in NY in a Christian environment, I heard the Gospel countless times. It was not until sometime during my late high school years, that the Holy Spirit regenerated and illuminated my heart unto faith in Christ alone for my salvation. Since that moment, God has given me an insatiable hunger for the truth of His Word. And as I learned the Word and grew, God began calling me to pursue a life of ministry in some way. Following high school, I chose to attend Word of Life Bible Institute in the fall of 2018 where I could pursue ministry opportunities, and where God graciously brought my wife, Jacqueline and I together for the first time. Before even meeting each other at Bible college, we both desired to live a life of service in the ministry for Christ. God grew and molded us during our time at Word of Life Bible Institute.
Sharing the Gospel at Work
After our first year of college, I moved down to Delaware, took a year to work, and then I married Jacqueline in May of 2020. I worked at my local Chick-fil-A until the beginning of 2021, when I switched jobs to being a PM custodian for a local elementary school where I currently work. Since I have been working as a PM custodian, God has given me the boldness to be a witness for Christ and His Gospel to my fellow custodians and many of the teachers throughout the school. For about four months, I organized a weekly Bible study with my custodians during our lunch breaks, where we would pray and discuss the Bible together. And I have come to make Gospel centered relationships with them and some of the teachers who are open to the Bible.
The Bible Fellowship Church
My wife and I serve our local church of New Life Bible Fellowship Church in Longneck DE where my father-in-law, Andrew Barnes, serves as the senior pastor. We help in the tech booth during the Sunday morning worship service, lead the youth ministry, and help anywhere else we can. Under the mentorship of the Elders of my local church, I have been given two opportunities to preach to our church. Through these two occasions, God has made clear to me my desire to faithfully preach and teach His Word. You can watch these sermons here and here.
I came to know the Bible Fellowship Church denomination, because Jacqueline’s family was already connected, involved, and serving in the BFC – my Father-in-law, Andrew Barnes, is a senior pastor of a BFC church as well as Jacqueline’s grandfather, Dick Bickings, was a pastor at Ebenezer BFC in Bethlehem PA and is now retired.

Church Extension Internship
Recently, the BFC Church Extension Ministry has offered me an 8- month part-time position as a Church Planting Intern. In this role, I will be under the mentorship of several church planters with the hope of becoming a full-time church planter in the future. I will be assisting with outreach programs, community surveys, and other ministries especially for our DELMARVA church plants. (DELMARVA is the peninsula that contains all of Delaware, part of Maryland, and part of Virginia.) I will also use my skills for video production for Church Extension and the church planters.
Prayer Requests
We ask for your prayers as we are “running the race God has set before us” into ministry and seeing how God will continue to “direct our steps.”
- Pray for wisdom and creative opportunities for me to assist church planters in the Delmarva Peninsula.
- Pray that church plants can connect with families in their local communities.
- Pray that God would use this part-time intern position with the BFC Church Extension to guide and direct our calling to ministry.
- Pray for that God would open the hearts of the students in my local Church’s Youth Ministry.
- Pray for boldness in my secular workplace to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
- Pray for my wife’s pregnancy as we await the arrival of our little girl Eliana.
Financial Partnership
We ask for your partnership as we launch our family ministry. We need $17,000 for the next 8 months or $2,125 per month. My local church has already committed to $500 per month towards this goal. If you feel led and have the resources, please consider supporting us financially. We are looking for one time gifts and monthly gifts.
You can set up a recurring donation on the Church Extension webpage here. You can make checks out to Church Extension Ministries, PO Box 3534, Allentown PA 18106. You will receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation.
We are truly excited to see how our sovereign God will continue to further His kingdom through His people.