The goal of church planting is not just about building new places of worship. Church planting provides believers with a church family right in their own community.
John “Freddie” Nole and his wife, Susan, are part of the church family at Redeemer Bible Fellowship Church in Lower Providence Township, PA. I recently spoke with Freddie about how Pastor Scott Wright and Redeemer BFC have impacted his life.

John “Freddie” Noles and his wife, Susan, are committed participants at Redeemer BFC in Lower Providence Twp, PA
Here is our interview:
How did you come to know the Lord as your Savior?
My godmother who raised me until I was about five years old was a great Christian witness to me, but it wasn’t until 1980 at
Graterford State Correctional Institution that I came to know the Lord as my Savior. I attended a Sunday morning worship service while I was incarcerated and it was during that service that I came to know the Lord. Ever since then I have been serving the Lord whether I was serving my sentence in prison or since I have been out of prison. It doesn’t matter where I am; serving the Lord is my priority.
How has God used the ministry of Pastor Scott Wright and Redeemer BFC in your life?
While I was still in prison, my wife started to attend Redeemer BFC. She was embraced with warmth and compassion. The family atmosphere of Redeemer was a God-send and a blessing. My wife asked Pastor Scott to visit me while I was still in prison and he did. When I got out of prison, we needed to live in Philadelphia for a short time. Pastor Scott helped us find a church there to belong to. We are grateful for that church family, too, who welcomed us. I was even asked to give my testimony and we fellowshipped together with a soup lunch afterwards! After my time in Philadelphia came to an end, my wife and I were able to move back to Redeemer BFC.

Pastor Scott Wright, center, with elder candidates David Quinley and Roger Eastman
What else do you appreciate about Redeemer BFC?
I appreciate Pastor Scott’s Wednesday Bible studies and his Sunday sermons. Pastor Scott’s sermons are very practical and make it easy to apply the Bible to life. This is so important to me and also for the kids in the church. Children need a church atmosphere that lets them feel comfortable enough to be themselves, to ask any questions, and to get answers. We need to stick to the basics of love and integrity when interacting with the kids in our church. That will give them the foundation they need for life.
What would you like Christians to know about those in prison and how we can minister to them?
First of all, don’t stereotype people in prison. People in prison who come to Jesus aren’t just trying to make themselves look good so they can get out early. People who find Jesus in prison are sincere and are active in their Christian walk. The problem is that when they get out, their new ways are not reinforced by people on the outside. They need people to meet them at the door and help them get jobs and resources and be a support. That’s what I had with Pastor Scott and Redeemer BFC and my wife. But not everyone has that. That is why I am now involved with Yokefellowship Prison Ministry. I want to make sure that people coming out of prison have the support they need.