Church Extension Ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church is seeking one English-speaking man and one Spanish-speaking Latino man to work together to plant a church in Selbyville, DE.

Why Selbyville?

  • 1200 new homes are being developed in the next 5 years in the immediate Selbyville area.
  • School District is 30-40% Hispanic. The town as a whole is a mix of beach-going retirees and agricultural or manufacturing workers.
  • There are only 1 or 2 Gospel preaching churches in the area.
  • A key BFC family lives in Selbyville.
  • This is an area ready for kingdom growth.
  • The nearby intersection of Route 113 and Route 54 makes the town easily accessible.
  • The location continues the BFC expansion southward.
Selbyville Delaware in the on the border between Delaware and Maryland close to where Route 113 and Route 54 meet.


  • Must have a desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are in need of salvation.
  • Must have strengths that are fitting for church planting ministry. Church Extension will conduct an assessment. You can view the Church Planters Assessment Workbook here.
  • Must be ordained or willing to be ordained by the Bible Fellowship Church. Find out about the process at
  • The Bible Fellowship Church is Reformed in soteriology including election and total depravity, holds to believer’s baptism by immersion, and holds to premillennial eschatology. Some hold to historic premillennialism and others hold to dispensational premillennialism. You can read the complete Articles of Faith here.

If you are interested in church planting in Selbyville, Delaware, please contact Director David Gundrum at

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